...an odd combination, you say?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Easter's coming...

Often times I wish I had something better to say than I really do. This is one of those seasons where I find this to be true a lot. Sorry for those (all three of you) who are looking for the next great entry of Amy Heck's mind upon the internet.
I read Mel's comment about hope for Easter. And it's around the corner.
I'm observing Lent in my outward life, but am in my inward life? It's rough.
I'm in class now. I should probably get back to listening to the nature of sin. reverse w00t.


Blogger mw said...

Why would there be something better than what you have to say if all your blog-readers want is to hear what you have to say? Just curious...

Ready or not, here comes Easter...and I think you're more ready than not. Don't need the warm fuzzies to be ready.

3:26 PM


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