...an odd combination, you say?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A little nerdy.

I'm sitting in class and Dr. MacKenzie just whipped out some hebrew off the top of his head. Rolled off his tongue. Why am I surprised? I shouldn't be. Of course he speaks hebrew, I've just been in his class for two years now and have never heard him do it.

Now he's quoting Einstein again, from a personal conversation they had, of course.

I started writing this about how lately I've felt myself dress more nerdy and librarian-ish than normal. I think I'm getting tired. Well, at least I realize it. When I start buying nerdy, someone needs to shoot me. Assembling nerdy from pieces that are not inherently nerdy I think can still be forgiven. There is something kind of fun about my green cardigan and reading glasses--with rhinestones of course. Nerdy with style.

Maybe I'm just not making much effort. Maybe I'm enjoying living the grad school stereotype. But seriously, friends, don't let me go too far down this road.

Ryan has told me I need to lighter things once in a while, just to keep things interesting. Does this count?


Blogger Hermione_Rae said...

LOL. I kept checking for updates and you finally did it!

I want to see pics of your alleged "nerdyness." I actually have a friend who's going to school to be a librarian and I don't think she dresses like the archetype of one. I think you'll find you dress like a trendy conservative or something...not sure cuz I haven't seen you in what feels like an excrutiatingly long three months :/

8:44 AM

Blogger Amber said...

Long time Miss Amy. I can hardly imagine you being nerdy. You've always been so stylish and hip. ;) Miss talking to you. Hope school is going well. ~Amber

11:34 PM

Blogger Daniela said...

I took EJ to storytime last week and the librarian? Our age, I think, but gosh! So, i think it's going to be hard to actually cross over the nerdy line if you have rhinestones on your glasses. also, with your amazing hair, (as long as it's not up in a tight bun) i think you'll be just fine. i wish i were living your life many times a week, i really do. :)

P.S. I'm learning Latin. Flamma fumo est proxima!

4:27 PM

Blogger amy heck said...

Wow! look at all the comments! I feel so loved!

Dee--I want to learn latin, too! I want your life!

Amber! Hi! What's going on?

Rachel: the nerdiness is coming...

11:19 PM


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