...an odd combination, you say?

Friday, April 01, 2005

Ever find one of those words that seems like it was made to describe you alone?

from wordsmith.com...

esprit d'escalier (e-SPREE des-kal-i-YE) noun, also esprit de l'escalier

Thinking of a witty remark too late; hindsight wit or afterwit.
Also such a remark.

[From French esprit de l'escalier, from esprit (wit) + escalier (stairs).]

We're all witty. It's just that many of us think of our clever remarks a bit
too late. The French call it the staircase wit, indicating that one thought
of that perfect retort on his or her way out.


Blogger Daniela said...

This maybe isn't a word to describe me...but one of my favorite words is Bittersweet. I think it's poignant.

The word I most like to say is Philanthropy. I like how it rolls off the tongue.

3:48 PM

Blogger Jeff Heck said...

"Staircase wit/afterwit" fits me, too, sis. Except I find it's good that I didn't say what pops in my head sometimes because I would come off sounding like a jerk.

The orange text is hard to read on that background, by the way.

3:51 PM


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