...an odd combination, you say?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

One month later...

I didn't intend to have a whole month in between postings. But I just decided today would be a good day to blog and happened to noticed that it is August 16th when I last blogged on July 16th.

It's been a long month. I don't really know what I want to write about since I really don't feel like re-hashing it. Maybe I will one day but not today.

I went to Colorado.
I spent a week in Evansville at home.
I saw Coldplay in concert.
I sat in the car with my sister for two hours after the concert, only to have said car to die on us.
I came home to Orlando.
I've had the pieces of my passion sort of come back together.

So it's been an interesting month, which I could write pages about if I weren't so...done. I guess I'm just feeling about done with drama right now. Can my life be boring for a little bit? Just a week? A month? Of course when it is, will I even realize it?

I'm going to go get some tea.


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