...an odd combination, you say?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

blank page

Daniela says its time for a new post. I think it is too, except for the fact that I can't really think of much to write at this point in time.

I'm back in Orlando, now. My time at home was fast...really fast. What little freetime I had was spent watching a wonderful series that my brother owns--Firefly. We actually got it for him for his birthday last year....and this year, too. It was stolen around Christmas so he needed a new one. When I asked to borrow it, he still hadn't watched it. I wondered if it was worth is buying again, honestly. But from the moment I turned it on....well ok, I wasn't too wild about it for about 20-30 minutes...from 30 minutes into it, I was hooked.

Cowboys. Spaceships. Cussing in Chinese. Every character with a story and a history. It's a amazing. I won't go on too much, but there is a movie coming out this fall called Serenity. Let me see if I can find the trailer.
There, found it. http://www.serenitymovie.com/


Blogger amy heck said...

sorry about that link. I couldn't get it to give me the trailer.

12:22 PM

Blogger Ryan—Aqualith Media said...

You probably don't have Flash installed. Duh! The link works otherwise.

1:37 AM

Blogger Daniela said...

Amy, so glad that you're back. Welcome home! Or...how do you say that when you're welcoming someone back to where THEY live only YOU (me) don't live there, too? I think I just got lost in a quagmire of lack of grammar!

11:08 AM


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